Academic Honesty
Lewis High School Code of Academic Honesty
Lewis High School is an International Baccalaureate (IBO) World school which follows IBO requirements and expectations. At Lewis High School we expect students to follow a set of values and skills that promote personal integrity.
Lewis High School Statement of Academic Honesty
Academic honesty means that one’s own work is authentic and not a reproduction of other person’s work or ideas. When another person’s ideas are used, they are given credit with a citation.
Terms to understand:
- Plagiarism - the representation of the ideas or work of another person as your own.
- Duplication of work - copying another student’s work and presenting it as your own.
- Giving your work to others - allowing your work to be copied and/or submitted for assessment by another student.
- Misconduct during an examination, including the possession of unauthorized material.
- Disclosing information to another student, or receiving information from another student, about the content of an examination or test.
How to maintain academic honesty:
- Credit all the sources I use, even if I have paraphrased or summarized.
- Clearly distinguish between my work and the source being used (using quotation marks, indentation or a similar method).
- Use the appropriate citation style (MLA, APA).
- Ask for Advice
- If student is being graded individually, a student submits his/her own work.
Things to Remember
- Lewis HS students are principled and act with integrity and honesty.
- Lewis HS students should be content creators not content imitators.
- If you engage in any form of academic dishonesty your administrator with input from your teacher or staff member has the right to impose consequences.
- Do it right, remember to cite! Credit where credit is due!