Lewis Staff Spotlight - Erik Manuel Giblin
In this week's Staff Member Spotlight, we feature Erik Manuel Giblin. Mr. Giblin is always seen with a smile on his face who is known to care for each and every one of his students. He is a strong advocate for his students, who challenges them to be the best they can be!
Staff Member: Erik Manuel Giblin
Department: World Languages
Years at Lewis HS: Going on his 9th year
What makes teaching at Lewis so great? Caring, effective team-building that aims to uplift each student.
Favorite Inspirational Quote: "PER ASPERA AD ASTRA; A través del esfuerzo, el triunfo; Through hardships to the stars." -Seneca, as shared by my late HS Latin and Spanish teacher, Patricio Soto.
Hobbies/Interests: Swimming, biking, politics, religion, Arts, theater, coffee talk